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Computer sciences and tech engineers can apply for a £50,000 MBA Scholarship

August 6 2018

The Sainsbury Management Fellows (SMF) scholarship is now open to computer sciences and technology professionals, who can now apply for a £50,000 scholarship for MBA study at the world’s leading business schools.   The aim is to support more professionals who want to take their career into entrepreneurship or business leadership.

Historically, the SMF scholarship scheme has been for working engineers who want to become business leaders and entrepreneurs, but the eligibility has been expanded to include disciplines such as physics and computer sciences. 

Each year, ten applicants will be awarded £50,000 each towards MBA studies at one of 14 international business schools, including Harvard, Stanford, LBS and INSEAD.  Learn more here

To date over £8 million in scholarships have been awarded to engineers. The SMF scholarship applications are managed by the Royal Academy of Engineering in conjunction with SMF and applications should be made to the RAEng via its website