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What you’ll learn from applying for a scholarship

June 5 2024

Applying for anything can be an unnerving experience – a job, a mortgage or even a scholarship. But you’ll no doubt learn more from it than you realise and could even enjoy the whole process.

Recent Sainsbury Management Fellows scholarship awardees talk you through what they learnt from their own experiences of applying for the scheme.

Alexander Iley (Harvard Business School)

The interview itself was really interesting, and dare I say enjoyable. It was very engaging to discuss the future challenges of the energy transition with such an experienced interview panel and I learnt a lot from their perspectives. They were also forthcoming with some useful advice on how to approach the internship during the MBA to benefit from the opportunity to explore different industries and sectors.

Roger Gonzalez (Harvard Business School) 

The scholarship application process enabled me to reflect on what I hope to achieve with an MBA and to clearly define the impact I want to have after graduation.

Chris Holmes (Imperial College Business School) 

By answering detailed questions and attending an interview with previous awardees, the processes helped me develop my career plan further and also exposed me to new ideas. The interview panel had varied experiences, and provided lots of really insightful feedback that I will reflect on and use over the course of the MBA. The application process made me even more excited to join the SMF community.

Peter Kummer (INSEAD) 

The application process made me realise how many like-minded engineers, who want to try their strengths in business, are out there! The SMF community immediately made me feel at home. From day one I received wonderful help from the amazing Royal Academy’s Scholarship Manager. I got to network with accomplished programme awardees who would also offer me their time and help. I knew straight away I had come across something special. I would whole-heartedly recommend anyone who comes across this programme to apply.

Xavier Echegaray (INSEAD) 

The application process was a fantastic opportunity to put down in words the thought process I underwent in deciding to do an MBA. It forced me to revisit and stress-test the logic behind my short and long-term professional goals, and most importantly, how the MBA fit into my plans. Deciding to go to business school involves a significant personal and financial commitment, so for me, the application process was a way of reassuring myself that I had a sound professional roadmap and was on the right track.

Apply for a Sainsbury Management Fellows scholarship today.