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Meet the Sainsbury Management Fellows

Sainsbury Management Fellows

The Sainsbury Management Fellows (SMF) network comprises more than 400 SMFs, each with extensive management skills and a global outlook obtained from taking a leading MBA.  

Explore the SMFs’ diverse career paths by clicking on the name to view their LinkedIn profile.


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Mike Booker

Pablo Lopez Bouzas

Mark Bowman

Adam Boyden

Joseph Brennan

Catherine Bright

Thomas Brinded

Chris Britten

Matthew Brockman

Simon Brod

Josef Bromovsky

Nicola Broughton

Duncan Browne

Andrew Buckley

Damian Burke

Chris Burnett

William Burton

Susan Burton

Jorgina Busquets

Martyn Buttenshaw

Andrea Buttle

Could you join this talented network?

Do you want to take an MBA to raise your skills to the next level? Find out more about the two scholarship schemes.