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Flare Ignite

Flare Ignite is a highly competitive annual competition that gives Herts students and alumni entrepreneurial support and training to bring their business ideas to life. The Flare Ignite competition is designed to be inclusive – idea level stage, ability, academic background and sector – allowing a wide range of participants.

Winner: NiveshaQ


Harpreet Singh, PhD in Computer Science Student – £3,000 Engineers in Business Prize.   Harpreet also has a First-Class BEng degree from Pune Institute of Computer Technology and a First-Class MSc in Computer Science – AI and Robotics from the University of Hertfordshire.

NiveshaQ is an investor education and awareness-focused initiative, which intends to help people to keep their financial knowledge up to date in a fun and interactive way. A one-stop platform for everyone to learn and build an investment portfolio and diversify their assets. The target audience is wide, people aged 16 to 55, from students to working adults.  Users simply enrol into the platform (web/mobile), play fun quizzes, earn badges, and redeem exciting rewards. Users will receive articles, infographics, comics and much more to help strengthen their financial knowledge.

Awarded: £3,000

Positive feedback

At UH, we believe that every single student should be given the opportunity and confidence to explore their entrepreneurial ideas. Engineers in Business Fellowship has enabled us to go one step further, providing our engineering award winners with that all-important funding to put their innovations to the test, plus the platform to gain recognition for their ideas.

Kate Serby
Enterprise Adviser and Flare Ignite Competition Lead
University of Hertfordshire