InvEnterPrize is Aberystwyth University’s Student Ideas Competition which is open to undergraduates, post-graduates and recent graduates. The competition rewards the entrant with the ‘Best Business Idea’
InvEnterPrize competition provides a yearly opportunity for entrepreneurial students to develop a business concept or social enterprise idea and pitch it to a panel of successful Aberystwyth University alumni in a virtual Dragons’ Den style event.
InvEnterPrize is run in conjunction with and predominantly funded by the Alumni Office (DARO) which donates a £10,000 prize fund, which is now enhanced with the EIB funding to stimulate participation from students and graduates from the Departments of Computer Science, Maths and Physics. In addition to the support from DARO, the university partners with Aber Innovation and Enterprise Campus which offers free ‘office space’ for one year to businesses specifically allied to biosciences.