The University of York’s Business, Innovation and Enterprise Dragon’s Den event was the culmination of 12 weeks of learning through lectures and practical workshop sessions, offered to students from any department and any academic level of study. The final business ideas presented were from a diverse group of students, with the interdisciplinarity nature of the groups bringing a real diversity of business ideas and ways to present their ideas to the competition.
The competition and value of the EIBC fund is huge for the students. They sign up for this course voluntarily and attend in their free time to learn about how to develop an innovative business idea. Their learning is through identifying market challenges, learning ideation and how to refine an idea, understanding the advantages and nuances of group working and how to negotiate and work together. The course is interdisciplinary and so they can meet young people from other departments with complementary skills and experiences. This they found valuable. I am always blown away by the ingenuity of our students and the great ideas they produce and this year is no exception.
Heather Niven
Lecturer and Business, Innovation and Enterprise course lead
University of York