This competition is designed for Foundation Year students to broaden their awareness of the future careers and opportunities that studying engineering and physics can lead to. The competition is integrated into an assessed group project of the Foundation Year that runs over a semester (11 weeks), providing an opportunity for all students to take part. Close links with the University of Surrey Student Enterprise team through interactions in the weekly workshop sessions encourages students to engage with other enterprise events and opportunities. The group project promotes skills development in the areas of team working, presentations, report writing, creative thinking, research and referencing as well as developing organisational, time management, and communication skills.
The EIB competition provides an extra element to enhance the motivation and competitiveness of our Engineering and Physical Sciences Foundation Year students at the University of Surrey. The competition is integrated into the curriculum and therefore gives all our students the opportunity to take part, not restricting participation to those who are able to give time to extra-curricular activities. The endorsement afforded by the competition highlights to the students that the skills they are developing in their studies are highly valuable in the wider world and opens their thinking to future possibilities. Thank you for your support.
Dr Carol Spencely
Senior Lecturer
University of Surrey