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UHI Business Competition

The University of the Highlands and Islands Business Competition is open to everyone over the age of 16 living within the Highlands and Islands region, including students at all 13 colleges and research centres within the University of the Highlands and Islands partnership. Since the competition was established in 2006, entrants have used it as a platform to share their ideas, receive support and launch their entrepreneurial careers.

First place: Lily Charmichael


Lily’s idea is to create workwear designed specifically for women to allow them to work comfortably and more efficiently.

Her innovation attempts to solve the issues of women working in a labour-intensive jobs, hours at a time and wearing clothing that is uncomfortable and ill-fitting. Women working in engineering currently wear outsized clothing made for men’s body shape not women’s.


Lily CharmichaelEngineering Systems

Awarded: £1,000

Positive feedback

It is well known that engineering is essential to any thriving community; engineering without innovation returns no change. Innovative engineering drives change, thereby building opportunity and enhancing life. Alongside this, encouraging each other as humans returns great strength. The value of encouraging innovative engineers is thus significant and the Engineers in Business Fellowship prize for the UHI Business Competition is one such strong means of providing encouragement.

Iain King
Curriculum Leader, Construction and Engineering
University of the Highlands and Islands