Getting Ahead With Mentoring
When studying and working towards a successful career, whatever the industry, there are two essential components to reaching your goals. The first port of call is the learning; all the theories, concepts, facts and figures that make up the armoury for your profession. These are the elements of success gained through higher education. However, the second element is more elusive, but just as essential to progress in one’s career – experience. Experience can often be hard to come by, yet having it on your CV is a must for most employers. This is where mentoring can help.SMF has helped facilitate the career progression of many talented and ambitious young engineers over 30 years. We believe that mentoring can help the mentee stay focused on their goals, boost industry and technical knowledge, and expand personal skills set, enabling them to fast-track their careers and even surpass their original goals.Case in Point: Chris Shelley and Arnaud Doko Arnaud Doko, a 27-year-old graduate from…
July 26 2018
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